Toshiba Strata DK 16 User Manual

Page 56

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SECTION 100-816-302
MARCH 1993


If the long distance information plan is chosen in
Program 50-1, the call is routed as defined by
this table.

Initialized data assigns plan 8 to be the LDI route

7.25 Program 50-5—LCR Local Call Route Plan
. Of the eight route plans available for
LCR call processing, one must be defined as the
Local Call Plan, typically route plan 1. Enter the
number of the plan (1 ~ 8) over which local calls,
operator-assisted/0+ calls, and special code calls
will be routed.

7.26 Program 50-6—LCR Dial 0 (Zero) Time-
. Enter the maximum number of seconds LCR
waits for a user to dial additional digits after a 0,
before it routes the call to an operator for assis-
tance. LCR will wait this number of seconds to
receive additional digits that will indicate charge
calls, collect calls or other 0+ calls.

The allowed range is 04 ~ 10 seconds. Always
enter two digits. Initialized data assigns an LCR
dial zero time-out value of 06 seconds.

7.30 Route Plan Overview

7.31 Four groups of programs define eight sepa-
rate LCR route plans. They are Programs 51 ~ 54.
The purpose of the plan scheme is to provide the
system with directions for routing all possible calls,
made by all possible users at all possible times of
day. Eight separate plans provide the customer
flexibility enough to route different area codes and
exception office codes over different CO line groups.

7.32 Initialized data assigns all calls to plan eight.
Any assignments made in Programs 51 ~ 54 for
plans 1 ~ 7 will exempt the defined call from being
made on route plan 8. Likewise, any phone num-
ber not specified in routes 1 ~ 7 automatically
defaults to route plan 8.

7.33 Tables for Programs 51 ~ 54 appear on LCR
Route Plan Numbers 1 ~ 8. The following instruc-
tions reveal how to fill in individual tables within the
plans. Each of the following program tables must
be completed for all plans.

7.34 Program 51—LCR Area Code Tables. Ev-
ery route plan can be assigned to define a set of
area codes and/or office codes.

The purpose of Program 51 is to define which

area code calls are placed over which LCR Plan
Number (1 ~ 8). Initialized data assigns all
possible area codes (000 ~ 999) to LCR Plan 8.
Therefore, calls made to all area codes will be
routed over route definitions defined in Pro-
gram 54
for plan 8, following the time schedule
specified by Program 53 for plan 8 (unless other
assignments are made in plans 1 ~ 7).

For example, any area code entered in a Pro-
gram 51
LCR area code table for plans 1 ~ 7 is
subtracted from plan 8. An area code cannot be
lost. If it is subsequently deleted from plans 1 ~
7, LCR software automatically adds it to plan 8.

To fill in record sheets for plans 1 ~ 8:


Check the box by Area Code Table.


Enter the applicable area codes, three digits
per box.

Remember that LCR matches the home area
code entered in Program 50-2 with the LCR
route plan containing the home area code in
its Area Code Table. The home area code
must be entered into one of the eight avail-
able LCR route plans through Program 51.
Thus, LCR is informed of how to handle local
calls. Typically, systems are configured to
have the LCR route plan containing the home
area code as the same as the local route plan
defined in Program 50-5. This usually is
programmed by the installer to be route plan
number 1, rather than the default plan 8.

7.35 Program 52—LCR Office Code Excep-
tions for Specified Area Code
. The purpose of
the Office Code Exception Table is to enable the
customer the flexibility of routing specific office
codes through a different call plan than other office
codes used with that area code.

Eight LCR office code exception tables may be
defined for the overall LCR scheme. Any num-
ber of exception code tables may be assigned to
each route plan, although each exception table
may only be used once system-wide.

Every route plan can be assigned to define a
set of area codes and office code exceptions
or a set of office code exceptions.

This program applies to both examples listed
below. In the first case, an office code excep-
tion table does not need to be defined in
addition to the area codes in Program 51, but