P. 78, p. 115, p. 173), Parameters are controlled (p. 78, p. 79) – Roland XV-88 User Manual

Page 78

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Chapter 5. Creating Patches

Redamper (Redamper Switch)

When a Hold 1 message is received after a key was released
but before the sound has completely decayed, this setting
specifies whether or not the sound will be sustained at that
level. If you want to sustain the sound, set this ON. When
using this function, also set the Hold-1 parameter ON. This
function is effective for piano sounds.

Envelope Mode

When a loop-type waveform (p. 68) is selected, it will
normally continue to sound as long as a key is pressed. If you
want a note to decay naturally even when the key remains
pressed, set this to NO SUSTAIN.

If a one-shot type Wave (p. 68) is selected, it will not
sustain even if this parameter is set to SUSTAIN.

(TMT Control & Bender)


TMT Ctrl Sw (TMT Control Switch)

Use the Matrix Controller to enable (ON), or disable (OFF)
sounding of different tones.

You can also cause different tones to sound in response
to notes played at different strengths (velocity) on the
keyboard. However, the Matrix Controller and the
keyboard velocity cannot be used simultaneously to
make different Tones to sound. When you want to make
the different Tones to sound, set the TMT Velocity
Control parameter (PATCH/COMMON/TMT VELO

Bend Range

Specifies the amount of pitch change (in semitones) that will
occur when the Pitch Bend Lever is moved (-4– +4 octaves).
The left value specifies the pitch change that will occur when
the lever is moved fully left. The right value specifies the
pitch change that will occur when the lever is moved fully
right. For example, if the right value is set to 12, the pitch will
rise one octave when the bender lever is moved to the right-
most position.

(Matrix Control Source)


Control 1–4 (Matrix Control Source 1–4)

Sets the MIDI message used to change the Tone parameter
with the Matrix Controller. Set this to OFF when the Matrix
Controller is not being used.

The following are MIDI messages that can be used as Matrix

• Controller Numbers 01–31, 33–95 (CC01–CC31, CC33–


For more information about Control Change messages,
please refer to

“MIDI Implementation”

(p. 270).

• Pitch Bend (PITCH BEND)

• Aftertouch (AFTERTOUCH)

• System Controller 1–4 (SYS-CTRL1–SYS-CTRL4): MIDI

messages used as global Matrix Controllers

What is the Matrix Controller?

Ordinarily, if you wanted to change Tone parameters
using an external MIDI device, you would need to send

System Exclusive messages

—MIDI messages

designed exclusively for the XV-88. However, System
Exclusive messages tend to be complicated, and the
amount of data that needs to be transmitted can get quite

For that reason, a number of the more typical of the XV-
88’s Tone parameters have been designed so they accept
the use of Control Change (or other) MIDI messages for
the purpose of making changes in their values. This
provides you with a variety of means of changing the
way Patches are played. For example, you can use the
Pitch Bend lever to change the LFO cycle rate, or use the
keyboard’s touch to open and close a filter.

The function which allows you use MIDI messages to
make these changes in realtime to the Tone parameters is
called the

Matrix Controller

. Up to four Matrix

Controllers can be used in a single Patch.

When the Matrix Controller is used, you can select the
amount of control (Sns parameter) applied, the
parameter selected (Dest parameter), the MIDI message
used to transmit the effect (Control 1–4 parameter), and
the Tone to which the effect is applied (Tone parameter).