System logs – RuggedCom RuggedRouter RX1100 User Manual

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34. Maintaining The Router

Revision 1.14.3



34.12. System Logs

System logs are records of activities that have occurred on the router, sorted into specific
categories. System logs can be invaluable when debugging configuration changes. As such,
most of your use of the logs will likely consist simply of examining them.

Figure 34.40. System Logs

The System Logs menu screen is used to configure the system logging process. It consists primarily
of a list of log destinations, each of which may be a log file on the router itself, a remote syslog server,
or one of several other destinations. Please refer to

Section 34.12.2, “Remote Logging”

for more detail

on log destinations. Two links, Add a new system log are provided above and below the list in order
to configure new system logs.

Each entry in the list displays information for a particular log managed by syslog:

Log destination displays the location or logging method of the log.

Active? displays whether syslog is logging messages to the log.

Messages selected displays the filtering criteria used to include messages in the log.

ROX implements a set of default system logs, as described in

Syslog Factory Defaults


In support of remote syslogging, the Remote Syslog Source IP Bind Interface field makes it possible
to bind the selected network interface's IP address to syslog. Syslog messages transmitted by the
router will have the selected interface's IP address as their source. If "none" is selected, the source
IP address will be that of the network interface from which messages are transmitted to the remote
syslog server.

Any changes made using this menu, including adding or modifying system log configurations or
changing the IP Bind Interface address, require clicking Apply Changes in order to take effect. If the
syslog daemon is not yet running, the button will instead read: Start Syslog Server.