Network zone hosts, Default policies, 131 14.6.4. default policies – RuggedCom RuggedRouter RX1100 User Manual

Page 131: Firewall zone hosts, 131 14.7. firewall default policies

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14. Configuring The Firewall

Revision 1.14.3



14.6.3. Network Zone Hosts

Figure 14.6. Firewall Zone Hosts

This menu allows you to add, delete and configure interfaces hosting multiple zones. Add a new zone
host by selecting the “Add a new zone host” link or by clicking on the add-above or add-below images
in the Add field. Reorder the hosts by clicking on the arrows under the Move field.

The Zone field selects a zone that will correspond to a subnet on the interface in question. The
Interface field describes that interface and the IP address or network field describes the subnet.

Selecting the IPSEC zone Host Option field will identify that the traffic to host in this zone is encrypted.

The Save and Delete buttons will allow you to edit or delete the zone host. You may also make
changes by manually editing the policy

14.6.4. Default Policies

Figure 14.7. Firewall Default Policies

This menu allows you to add, delete and configure default policies. Add a new policy by selecting the
“Add a new default policy” link or by clicking on the add-above or add-below images in the Add field.
Reorder the policies by clicking on the arrows under the Move field.

Clicking on a link under the Source zone field will allow you to edit or delete the policy, as shown
below. You may also make changes by manually editing the policy file.