Traceroute menu, Ping check edit menu, 209 23.5. traceroute menu – RuggedCom RuggedRouter RX1100 User Manual

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23. Network Utilities

Revision 1.14.3



The main Ping Check menu also contains links to Add a new Ping check... or to Edit an existing

Figure 23.4. Ping Check Edit Menu

The Interval field specifies the time between each successive ping request to the IP host.

The Ping retries field specifies the number of ping requests that are allowed to go unanswered before
taking the configured action.

The Remote IP address field specifies the IP address of remote host to monitor.

The Pre-defined action drop list may be used to select a pre-defined action to be taken if the
monitored IP host does not reply within the configured number of ping retries. Currently, the list
contains "Restart PPP on Cellmodem" (if a cellular modem is installed) and "Restart MLPPP".

The Other action field accepts any valid shell command as the action to be executed if the monitored
IP host does not reply within the configured number of ping retries.

23.5. Traceroute Menu

Figure 23.5. Traceroute Menu

The Hostname field accepts the host name or IP address to trace the route to. Note that this may
be an IPv4 or and IPv6 address.