Applying postage, 3 • running mail, Checking funds (postage) availability in machine – Pitney Bowes DM125 User Manual
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3 • Running Mail
SV62276 Rev. A
Applying Postage
There are several ways you can apply postage using your mailing system:
• Key in the postage directly from the keyboard when you already
know the amount
• Enter the weight of the mail piece manually and have the system
calculate the postage amount using the system's internal rating
• Place the mail piece on the integrated weighing platform and
have the system calculate the weight and then postage amount
using the system's internal rating feature
Each method is described in its own section that follows.
Use tape sheets to apply postage for large pieces and
parcels that can't be run through the machine (see Chapter 12,
Supplies and Options for ordering tape sheets). Feed the tape
sheets into the machine the same way you would feed an enve-
lope. Apply the postage tape sheets on the mail piece or parcel.
The system allows you to enter either a ZIP code or a
Zone number for those USPS
classes and services that require
a destination entry (e.g., Priority class over 1 lb.). When prompt-
ed to enter a destination in these cases, you may either key in
the one-digit Zone number (0-8) and select "This is a Zone" or
key in the 5-digit ZIP code and select "This is a ZIP Code".
Available $204.94
Used $17.06
Total Pieces 40
3. Press
Clear (back arrow key) or Home to return to Home screen.
At Meter
1. Press
2. The funds left, used, and pieces processed display.
– the amount of funds (postage) left in your meter
– the total of all postage ever used in the meter
Total Pieces
– the total number of mail pieces run through the
meter that had postage applied
Checking Funds (Postage) Availability in Machine