Editing account names and passwords, 8 • standard accounting (option) – Pitney Bowes DM125 User Manual

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8 • Standard Accounting (option)


SV62276 Rev. A

Editing Account Names and Passwords

You can edit an account name and establish passwords for each ac-

count if you wish.
1. From Home screen, press the selection key next to ACCT: line to

display the Accounts menu.

2. Press

Page Down and select "Edit an account". If a Supervisor

password has been enabled, you are prompted to enter one. Key

in the 4-digit password if necessary.


◄Edit an account

◄Display acct totals

◄Clear an account


◄1 (Use keypad)

◄0 None

◄2 Sales

3. The "Edit an Account" screen displays (a sample is shown below).


Page Down to see more choices (if lit). To select an account:

A. You may either key in the first digit of the account number if

you know it and press

Yes/Enter, OR

B. Use the appropriate selection key next to the display.

4. After the account is selected, you have a choice to edit the ac-

count name or edit the account password.
Edit Account Name option
A. If you select "Edit acct. name", the system prompts you for

the new name. Key in a new name for the account. It can be

up to twelve alpha/numeric characters long. To access alpha

characters, repeatedly press the appropriate number key

until the desired character displays.

B. Select "OK" when done.
C. You are prompted if you want to change the account pass-

word also. If you select "Yes", continue with Step B from Edit

Account Password Option on the next page; otherwise, you

return to the "Edit an Account" screen.