Polycom WEBCOMMANDER 8 User Manual
Page 58

Chapter 4 - New Meeting Window
Define the following parameters:.
Table 4-4: Start window parameters
A default conference name is automatically assigned
to the new conference, composed of the name of
template on which the conference is based, the user
name or the user’s E-mail address, and a randomly
generated number.
When the conference name is based on the user’s
name, the format is:
TemplateName_UserName_Random Number.
For example: Sales_Admin1_886.
When the conference name is based on the user’s
E-mail address, the format is:
TemplateName_UserEmail_Random Number.
For example: [email protected]_887. For
more information see the MGC Web server Manager
and Installation and Configuration Guide, Chapter 5,
Configuring the MGC Web Server Manager.
If desired, enter a new conference name using up to
80 characters. If the conference name already exists
on the MCU as a Conference Reservation or an On
Going Conference, an error message is displayed
and you are prompted to enter a new name.
Numeric ID
A Numeric ID is a unique number assigned to a
conference identifying it to the system. It is used by
the participants to access the conference directly
from an IP endpoint or from the Entry Queue.
The Numeric ID can be assigned in automatically or
Leave this box blank to let the MCU automatically
assign the Numeric ID to the conference when it is
saved on the MCU.
To manually assign the Numeric ID, enter a number
using the number of digits defined in the appropriate
flag in the System.cfg file.
If the Numeric ID is already in use in another
conference, an error message will be displayed.
If left blank and the MCU is configured to assign one
once the conference is saved to the MCU.