Polycom WEBCOMMANDER 8 User Manual
Page 308

Chapter 10 - Conference Templates – Full Parameters View
Dual Stream Mode
When an endpoint can support both H.239 and
People+Content protocols, H.239 is selected as the
preferred communications protocol.
In the Reservation Template Settings - Dual Stream
mode drop down box, three H.239 People+Content
(H.239/P+C) Video streaming formats are available:
Graphics - for standard graphics
Hi-res Graphics - for high quality display or highly
detailed graphics
Live Video - for video clips or live video display
128 Kbps is the minimum Line Rate setting for a
H.239/People+Content conference. When the
Content channel opens, the required bit rate is taken
from the video channel bit rate, and may affect the
quality of the transmitted video quality. The bit rate
allocated to the Content channel depends on the
conference type and the conference line rate, where
the minimum is 64 Kbps, and increases in multiple of
64 Kbps. The bite rate allocation is dynamic and
when the Content channel closes, the video bit rate
is restored to its maximum.
People+Content in a Cascading conference is
enabled only for Video Switching IP Only
conferences, in a Star CascadedH.239 and
People+Content supports the following features:
Entry Queues
Highest Common Phase 2
FECC (H.320 and H.323)
In Continuous Presence conferences - Software
and Quad View modes are disabled
H.239 is not supported in:
ISDN (H.320) calls
H.320 Cascading conferences
Table 10-3: Basic Conference Parameters