Polycom WEBCOMMANDER 8 User Manual
Page 303

MGC WebCommander User’s Guide
Using certain video cameras and their
accompanying software, a participant can control a
far-end camera. This field is used to define the
FECC/LSD mode. A conference can be set to one of
the following LSD modes:
LSD Dynamic - The On Going conference starts
with the LSD data channel closed. The MCU
opens the LSD data channel upon request from
a participant and assigns the data token to that
participant. The LSD channel remains open
throughout the conference, until the conference
ends. In Video Switching mode, endpoints that
do not support LSD are connected as Secondary
(audio only).
LSD 6.4 (Fixed) - The MCU opens the LSD data
channel (at a fixed rate of LSD-6400) when
starting the conference and keeps the channel
open throughout the conference. When a
participant requests the far-end control, s/he is
assigned the data token. In Video Switching
mode, endpoints that do not support LSD are
connected as Secondary (audio only).
LSD - None - The LSD option is disabled and
any request for far-end camera control during the
conference is rejected.
T.120 Rate
Select the desired T.120 data transfer rate. The
lower the rate the slower the transfer rate and the
response time.
The same T.120 rate must be set for all the
conference participants. The highest rate common to
all participants should be selected.
Select None to disable the T.120 mode. For H.323
conferences you are required to select a T.120 rate.
The capacity for a H.323 board is six participants
irrespective of the Line Rate.
Table 10-3: Basic Conference Parameters