Polycom WEBCOMMANDER 8 User Manual
Page 264

Chapter 9 - Conference Templates – Partial View Mode
Define the conference Advanced parameters as described in Table 9-2.
Table 9-2: Advanced Conference Parameters - Partial View
Displays the default duration as defined in the
WebCommander Server Manager - > Reservation
To modify the default duration, enter the new
duration using the format HH:MM. For example, to
define a duration of 30 minutes, enter 0 in the hours
box and 30 in the minutes box.
Start Time
By default, the system displays the current time as
the start time of the conference. To select a time at
which the conference should start, set the starting
time using the time format taken from the operating
system. Highlight the hours or minutes in the box
and either use the spin buttons to modify the
displayed time, or type a time directly.
Start Date
By default, the system displays the current date as
the scheduled date. If the current date and time is
selected for the Reservation it becomes an On
Going Conference. To select a date on which the
conference should start, use the arrows in the
calendar heading to select the month, and then click
the required day.
Entry Tone/ Roll
Select this check box to enable the Entry Tone,
which will be played when a participant (audio or
video) connects to the conference. This tone is
heard by all the participants currently connected to
the conference (but not by the connecting
participant). The tone is embedded in the MCU
Exit Tone/ Roll Call
Select this check box to enable the Exit tone, which
will be heard by all the connected participants when
a participant disconnects from the conference. This
tone is different from other tones. It is embedded in
the MCU software.