Pathnavigator and polycom datastore templates list – Polycom WEBCOMMANDER 8 User Manual
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MGC WebCommander User’s Guide
PathNavigator and Polycom Datastore Templates List
The Polycom PathNavigator is an enterprise gatekeeper that enables you to
see when endpoints are online and to connect to them with a single click. In
such a case, you do not need to define the endpoints, as the definition is taken
from the gatekeeper.
Polycom Datastore is a new central database, where all Polycom applications
and endpoints interact and share stored information.
To access the PathNavigator or Polycom Datastore Directory:
Click the Directory tab, and choose PathNavigator or Polycom
Datastore from the Participant Group.
The presence information of each participant defined in the list is
displayed. A green closed circle indicates the participant is online. A
grey broken circle indicates that the participant is offline.
The PathNavigator and/or Polycom Datastore option is available only if your
enterprise uses the PathNavigator and/or Polycom Datastore database and it is
configured in the Web Server Manager. For more details, refer to the MGC Web
Server Manual, Installation and Configuration Guide Chapter 5.
Select Directory to list all
available Participant templates
in the selected group
Select PathNavigator or Polycom
Datastore from the drop-down list
Participant presence information