Examples – Kentrox AI296 User Manual
Page 355

AI296 Version 9.8x User’s Guide
AI296 Commands: tacacs
This example displays the TACACS+ authentication method for this shell connection
This example displays a TACACS+ debug log file.
This example displays all TACACS+ specific counters and statistics.
[296] tacacs info
Current session authenticated by: Local
[296] tacacs sholog
[02:26:32 030406] AUTHEN FAIL
[02:26:32 030406] AUTHEN SUCCESS
[02:26:32 030406] AUTHOR FAIL
[02:26:32 030406] AUTHOR SUCCESS
[296] tacacs stats
TACACS+ Statistics
Connect Attempts: 0
Connect Failures: 0
Wrong Header Type: 0
Wrong Header Sequence Number: 0
Wrong Header Session ID: 0
Wrong Body Length: 0
Write Errors: 0
Read Errors: 0
Short Header Received: 0
Short Body Received: 0
Timed-out waiting for response: 0
Display Item
Connect Attempts
Displays the number of attempts that were made to connect to
the TACACS+ server.
Connect Failures
Displays the number of failed connection attempts that were
made to the TACACS+ server.
Wrong Header Type
Displays the number of packets received from the TACACS+
server that had an invalid type.
Wrong Header
Sequence Number
Displays the number of packets received from the TACACS+
server that had a sequence number that was out of order.