Kerio Tech Firewall6 User Manual
Page 70

Chapter 7
Traffic Policy
Kerio VPN and it can be used along with a third-party VPN solution. For detailed information,
see chapter
Figure 7.3
Network Policy Wizard — Kerio VPN
Step 6 — specification of servers that will be available within the local network
If any service (e.g. WWW server, FTP server, etc. which is intended be available from the
Internet) is running on the WinRoute host or another host within the local network, define it
in this dialog.
Figure 7.4
Network Policy Wizard — enabling local services
Note: If creating of rules for Kerio VPN was required in the previous step, the Kerio VPN
and HTTPS firewall services will be automatically added to the list of local servers. If these
services are removed or their parameters are modified, VPN services will not be available via
the Internet!
The dialog window that will open a new service can be activated with the Add button.