Connection to star and viewing statistics, 3 connection to star and viewing statistics – Kerio Tech Firewall6 User Manual
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21.3 Connection to StaR and viewing statistics
For details on IP groups, see chapter
Users and groups
Select users and/or user groups which will be excluded from the statistics and no quota
will be applied to them. This setting has the highest priority and overrules any other
quota settings in user or group preferences.
For details on users and groups, see chapter
Web Pages
Define a URL group. Connections to web sites with these URLs will not be accounted. Such
exception can be used for example to exclude the own corporate web servers from the
statistics (connection to corporate websites is usually considered a work-related activity)
or to exclude ads connection to certain pages may download advertisements automati-
cally, it is not the user’s request. For this purpose, you can use the predefined URL group
Ads/banners (see chapter
Wildmarks can be used in URL groups items. This implies that it is possible to define
exceptions for particular pages or for all pages on a particular server, all web servers in
a domain, etc. For details on URL groups, refer to chapter
URL exceptions can be applied only to unsecured web pages (the HTTP protocol). Connec-
tions to secured pages (the HTTPS protocol) are encrypted and URL of such pages cannot
be detected.
Note: Unlike in case of exceptions described above, data transferred within connections
to such web pages will be included in the quota.
21.3 Connection to StaR and viewing statistics
To view statistics, user must authenticate at the WinRoute’s web interface first. User (or the
group the user belongs to) needs rights for statistics viewing — see chapter
. StaR can
be accessed by several methods, depending on whether connecting from the WinRoute host
(locally) or from another host (remotely).
Note: For details on the WinRoute’s web interface, see chapter
Accessing the statistics from the WinRoute host
On the WinRoute host, the StaR may be opened as follows:
By using the Internet Usage Statistics link available in the WinRoute Engine Monitor
context menu (opened by the corresponding icon in the notification area — see chap-
By using the Internet Usage Statistics link under Start → Programs → Kerio → WinRoute
Both links open the unsecured StaR interface directly on the local host (by default
) using the default web browser.