Kerio Tech Firewall6 User Manual

Page 222

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Chapter 15

User Accounts and Groups


The group must be assigned one of the following three levels of access rights:

No access to administration

Users included in this group cannot access the WinRoute administration.

Read only access

Users included in this group can access the WinRoute administration. However, they can

only read the records and settings and they are not allowed to edit them.

Full access to administration

Users in this group have full access rights.

Additional rights:

Users can override WWW content rules

User belonging to the group can customize personal Web content filtering settings inde-

pendently of the global configuration (for details see chapters





User can unlock URL rules

This option allows its members one-shot bypassing of denial rules for blocked websites

(if allowed by the corresponding URL rule — see chapter


). All performed unlock

actions are traced in the Security log.

Users can dial RAS connection

If the Internet connection uses dial-up lines, users of this group will be allowed to dial

and hang up these lines in the Web interface (see chapter



Users can connect using VPN

Members of the group can connect to the local network via the Internet using the Kerio

VPN Client (for details, see chapter



User can use Clientless SSL-VPN

Members of this group will be allowed to access shared files and folders in the local

network via the Clientless SSL-VPN web interface. For details, see chapter



Users are allowed to use P2P networks

The P2P Eliminator module (detection and blocking of Peer-to-Peer networks — see chap-



) will not be applied to members of this group.

Users are allowed to view statistics

Users in this group will be allowed to view firewall statistics in the web interface (see




Group access rights are combined with user access rights. This means that current user rights

are defined by actual rights of the user and by rights of all groups in which the user is included.