Kerio Tech Firewall6 User Manual

Page 109

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8.2 DHCP server


DHCP Server Configuration

To configure the DHCP server in WinRoute go to Configuration DHCP Server. Here you can
define IP scopes, reservations or optional parameters, and view information about occupied IP

addresses or statistics of the DHCP server.

The DHCP server can be enabled/disabled using the DHCP Server enabled option (at the top).

Configuration can be modified even when the DHCP server is disabled.

Definition of Scopes and Reservations

To define scopes including optional parameters and to reserve IP addresses for selected clients

go to the Scopes dialog. The tab includes two parts — in one address scopes and in the other

reservations are defined:

Figure 8.5

DHCP server — IP scopes

In the Item column, you can find subnets where scopes of IP addresses are defined. The IP

subnet can be either ticked to activate the scope or unticked to make the scope inactive (scopes

can be temporarily switched off without deleting and adding again). Each subnet includes also

a list of reservations of IP addresses that are defined in it.

In the Default options item (the first item in the table) you can set default parameters for DHCP


Lease time

Time for which an IP address is assigned to clients. This IP address will be automatically

considered free by expiration of this time (it can be assigned to another client) unless the

client requests lease time extension or the address release.