Kerio clientless ssl-vpn, Configuration of winroute's ssl-vpn, Configuration of winroute’s ssl-vpn – Kerio Tech Firewall6 User Manual
Page 363: Chapter 24, 1 configuration of winroute’s ssl-vpn

Chapter 24
Kerio Clientless SSL-VPN
Kerio Clientless SSL-VPN (thereinafter “SSL-VPN”) is a special interface used for secured remote
access to shared items (files and folders) in the network protected by WinRoute via a web
To a certain extent, the SSL-VPN interface is an alternative to Kerio VPN Client (see chapter
Its main benefit is that it enables an immediate access to a remote network from any location
without any special application having been installed and any configuration having been per-
formed (that’s the reason for calling it clientless). The main disadvantage of this alternative is
that network connections are not transparent. SSL-VPN is, in a manner, an alternative to the
My Network Places system tool ) — it does not enable access to web servers or other services
in a—remote network.
SSL-VPN is suitable for an immediate access to shared files in remote networks in such envi-
ronments where it is not possible or useful to use Kerio VPN Client.
24.1 Configuration of WinRoute’s SSL-VPN
Usage of SSL-VPN is conditioned by membership of the WinRoute host in the corresponding
domain (Windows NT or Active Directory). User accounts that will be used for connections to
SSL-VPN must be authenticated at the domain (it is not possible to use local authentication).
This implies that SSL-VPN cannot be used for accessing shared items in multiple domains or
to items at hosts which are not members of any domain.
SSL-VPN configuration
The SSL-VPN interface can be enabled/disabled on the Web Interface → SSL-VPN in the Config-
uration → Advanced Options section.
Figure 24.1
Configuration of the SSL-VPN interface