Kerio Tech Firewall6 User Manual
Page 209

15.2 Local user accounts
Don’t block further traffic mode
resetting of the data volume counter of the user (see chapter
Actions for quota-exceeding are not applied if the user is authenticated at the firewall.
This would block all firewall traffic as well as all local users. However, transferred
data is included in the quota!
Data transfer quota and actions applied in response can also be set by a user account template.
Step 5 — web content rules and language preferences
Figure 15.7
Creating a new user account — Web site content rules
In the WWW content scanning options section, special content filter rules settings for individual
users can be defined. Global rules (defined in the Content Rules tab in the Configuration →
Content Filtering → HTTP Policy section) are used as default (when a new user account is
defined). For details, see chapter
The Language options section allows setting of preferred language of the WinRoute’s web inter-
face (including the Kerio StaR interface). The browser detected option sets preferred language
in accordance with settings in user’s web browser and uses the language with the highest pref-
erence rate available. English will be used if none of other preferred languages is available.
Preferred language also applies to email alerts sent by the firewall (notices of reaching of data
transfer quota, detected viruses, detected P2P networks, etc.). If language is detected and