Kerio Tech Firewall6 User Manual
Page 269

21.3 Connection to StaR and viewing statistics
In case of access via the Internet (i.e. from a remote host) it is recommended to use only the
secured version of the web interface. The other option would be too risky.
StaR page in the web interface
The page is divided into the following tabs:
Overall — overall statistics including traffic of all local users (volumes of transferred
data, top users, top web pages, etc.). This section is opened as a welcome page imme-
diately upon a successful logon.
Individual — statistics of individual users (volumes of transferred data, top web pages
visited by the user, etc.).
Users’ Activity — detailed information about activity of individual users (visited web-
sites, files transferred via FTP, remote access to other hosts, etc.).
Users by Traffic — table and chart for volumes of data transferred by individual users.
Visited Sites — overview of the ten most frequently visited web domains. A chart and
table of top users having visited the greatest number of web pages of the domain is
Web Categories — the top ten most frequently visited web categories (in accordance
with the ISS OrangeWeb Filter’s categorization). A chart referring to each web category
is provided, along with table of users with the highest number of requests for sites
belonging to the particular category..
Detailed descriptions of individual sections are provided in the following chapters.
Updating data in StaR
First of all, the StaR interface is used for gathering of statistics and creating of reviews for cer-
tain periods. To WinRoute, gathering and evaluation of information for StaR means processing
of large data volumes. To reduce load on the firewall, data for StaR is updated approximately
once in an hour. The top right corner of each StaR page displays information about when the
last update of the data was performed.
For the reasons mentioned above, the StaR interface is not useful for real-time monitoring of
user activity. For these purposes, you can use the Active Hosts section in the Administration
Console (see chapter