Proxy server, 4 proxy server – Kerio Tech Firewall6 User Manual
Page 120

Chapter 8
Configuration of network services
Once this information is defined, it is recommended to test update of dynamic DNS record by
clicking on Update now. This verifies that automatic update works well (the server is available,
set data is correct, etc.) and also updates the corresponding DNS record (IP address of the
firewall could have changed since the registration or the last manual update).
If an error occurs while attempting to update DNS record, an error is reported on the Dynamic
DNS tab providing closer specification of the error (e.g. DDNS server is not available, user
authentication failed, etc.). This report is also recorded in the error log.
8.4 Proxy server
Even though the NAT technology used in WinRoute enables direct access to the Internet from
all local hosts, it contains a standard HTTP proxy server. Under certain conditions the direct
access cannot be used or it is inconvenient . The following list describes the most common
To connect from the WinRoute host it is necessary to use the proxy server of your ISP.
Proxy server included in WinRoute can forward all queries to so called parent proxy server).
Internet connection is performed via a dial-up and access to certain Web pages is blocked
(refer to chapter
). If a direct connection is used, the line will be dialed before the
HTTP query could be detected (line is dialed upon a DNS query or upon a client’s request
demanding connection to a Web server). If a user connects to a forbidden Web page,
WinRoute dials the line and blocks access to the page — the line is dialed but the page is
not opened.
Proxy server can receive and process clients’ queries locally. The line will not be dialed if
access to the requested page is forbidden.
WinRoute is deployed within a network with many hosts where proxy server has been used.
It would be too complex and time-consuming to re-configure all the hosts.
The Internet connection functionality is kept if proxy server is used — it is not necessary
to edit configuration of individual hosts (or only some hosts should be re-configured).
The WinRoute’s proxy server can be used for HTTP, HTTPS and FTP protocols. Proxy server
does not support the SOCKS protocol ( a special protocol used for communication between
the client and the proxy server).
Note: For detailed information on using FTP on the WinRoute’s proxy server, refer to chap-