Kerio Tech Firewall6 User Manual
Page 242

Chapter 19
Status Information
Total number of connections to and from the host. Details can be displayed in the context
menu (see below)
Authentication method
Authentication method used for the recent user connection:
plaintext — user is connected through an insecure login site plaintext
SSL — user is connected through a login site protected by SSL security system
proxy — a WinRoute proxy server is used for authentication and for connection
to Websites
NTLM — user was authenticated with NTLM in NT domain (this is the standard
type of login if Internet Explorer 5.5 or later or Firefox/SeaMonkey core version
1.3 or later is used)
VPN client — user has connected to the local network using the Kerio VPN Client
(for details, see chapter
Note: Connections are not displayed and the volume of transmitted data is not
monitored for VPN clients.
For more details about connecting and user authentication see chapter
Information displayed in the Active Hosts window can be refreshed by clicking on the Re-
Use the Show / Hide details to open the bottom window providing detailed information on
a user, host and open connections.
Active Hosts dialog options
Clicking the right mouse button in the Active Hosts window (or on the record selected) will
display a context menu that provides the following options:
Figure 19.2
Context menu for the Active Hosts window