Overall view, 5 overall view – Kerio Tech Firewall6 User Manual
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Chapter 21
Kerio StaR — statistics and reporting
21.5 Overall View
The Overall tab provides overall statistics for all users within the local network (including
anonymous, i.e. unauthenticated users) for the selected accounting period.
Traffic by periods
The first chart provides information on the volume of data transferred in individual sub-
periods of the selected period. The table next to the chart informs on data volumes
transferred in the entire selected period (total and for both directions as well). Simply
hover a column in the chart with the mouse pointer to view volume of data transferred in
the corresponding subperiod. Click on a column in the chart to switch to the information
on the particular subperiod only
(for details, see chapter
Figure 21.9
Daily Traffic
The subperiod length depends on the current period:
day — the chart shows traffic by hours,
week or month— the chart shows traffic by days.
For custom periods:
up to 2 days — the chart shows traffic by hours,
up to 5 weeks — the chart shows traffic by days,
up to 6 months — the chart shows traffic by weeks,
more than 6 months — the chart shows traffic by months,
Top Visited Websites
The chart of the most frequented websites shows top five domains (second level) by their
visit rate. The number in the chart refers to number of visits of all web pages of the
particular domain in the selected accounting period.
Note: The HTTP protocol inspector “sees” only individual HTTP requests. To count num-
ber of visited pages (i.e. to recognize which requests were sent within a single visit),
WinRoute uses a special heuristic algorithm. The information, therefore, cannot be pre-
cise, though the approximation is very good.
It is not possible to switch to a selected subperiod if the traffic is displayed by hours. The shortest accounting period
to be selected is one day.