Kerio Tech Firewall6 User Manual
Page 289

22.1 Log settings
Figure 22.1
Log settings
File Logging
Use the File Loggingtab to define file name and rotation parameters.
Enable logging to file
Use this option to enable/disable logging to file according to the File name entry (the
extension will be appended automatically).
If this option is disabled, none of the following parameters and settings will be available.
Rotate regularly
Set intervals in which the log will be rotated regularly. The file will be stored and a new
log file will be started in selected intervals.
Weekly rotation is performed at the edge of the calendar week depending on settings in
the operating system where WinRoute is installed (typically in Saturday night if the week
starts with Sunday or in Sunday night if the week starts with Monday). Monthly rotation
is performed at the end of the month (in the night when one month ends and another
Rotate when file exceeds size
Set a maximal size for each file. Whenever the threshold is reached, the file will be rotated.
Maximal size is specified in megabytes (MB).