Kerio Tech Firewall6 User Manual
Page 179

13.2 How to choose and setup antiviruses
Last update check performed ... ago
Time that has passed since the last update check.
Virus database version
Database version that is currently used.
Scanning engine version
McAfee scanning engine version used by WinRoute.
Update now
Use this button for immediate update of the virus database and of the scanning engine.
After you run the update check using the Update now... button, an informational window
displaying the update check process will be opened. You can use the OK button to close
it — it is not necessary to wait until the update is finished.
If updated successfully, the version number of the new virus database or/and the new
antivirus version(s), as well as information regarding the age of the current virus database
will be displayed. If the update check fails (i.e. the server is not available), an error will be
reported and detailed information about the update attempt will be logged into the Error
Each download (update) attempt sets the Last update check performed value to zero.
External antivirus
For external antivirus, enable the Use external antivirus option in the Antivirus tab and select
an antivirus to be employed from the combo box. This menu provides all external antivirus
programs supported in WinRoute by special plugins.
External antivirus must be installed before it is set in WinRoute, otherwise it is not available
in the combo box. It is recommended to stop the WinRoute Firewall Engine service before an
antivirus installation.
Figure 13.4
Antivirus selection (external antivirus)