Kerio Tech Firewall6 User Manual
Page 132

Chapter 9
Bandwidth Limiter
services if too much big data volumes are transferred). If they are lower, full line capacity is
often not employed.
For optimal configuration, it is necessary to operate with real capacity of the line. This value
may differ from the information provided by ISP. One method of how to find out the real value
of the line capacity is to monitor traffic charts (see chapter
) when you can be almost sure
that the line is fully employed.
At the bottom of the dialog box, download and upload speed limits for users with exceeded
traffic quota can be set. The bandwidth defined will be shared by all users with their quota
exceeded. This implies that the total traffic volume of these users is limited by the bandwidth
value set here.
No optimal values are known for these speed limits. WinRoute administrators decide them-
selves what part of the bandwidth will be reserved for these users. It is recommended to set
the values so that activities of these users do not affect other users and services.
Note: It is also possible to block any traffic for a particular users who exceed their quota.
The restriction described above are applied only if the Don’t block further traffic (Only limit
bandwidth...) action is set in configuration of the particular user account. For details, see
Advanced Options
Click on Advanced to define advanced Bandwidth Limiter parameters. These parameters ap-
ply only to large data volume transfers. They do not apply to users with exceeded quota
(bandwidth values set for these users are applied without exception).
Certain services may seem to perform large data volume transfers, although, in fact, they
don’t. Internet telephony (Voice over IP — VoIP) is a typical example. It is possible to
define exceptions for such services so that the bandwidth limiter does not apply to them.
It may also be desired to apply bandwidth limiter only to certain network services (e.g.
when it is helpful to limit transfers via FTP and HTTP).
The Services tab enables definition of services to which bandwidth limiter will be applied:
Apply to all services — the limits will be applied to all traffic between the local
network and the Internet.
Apply to the selected services only — the limits will apply only to the selected
network services. Traffic performed by other services is not limited.
Apply to all except the selected services — services specified in this section will be
excluded from the bandwidth limiter restrictions, whereas the limiter will apply
to any other services.
Click on Select services to open a dialog box where network services can be selected. Hold
the Ctrl or the Shift key to select multiple services. All services defined in Configuration
→ Definitions → Services are available (for details, refer to chapter sect-services"/>).