Persistent connection with a single link, 1 persistent connection with a single link – Kerio Tech Firewall6 User Manual
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Chapter 6
Internet Connection
This involves selection of the Internet connection type in the Configuration → Interfaces sec-
tion of the WinRoute configuration, setting corresponding interfaces for connection to the
Internet and definition of corresponding traffic rules (see chapter
All necessary settings can be done semi-automatically with use of Traffic Policy Wizard —
see chapter
. Following chapters provide with guidelines for setting of individual Internet
connection types as well as with description on configuration of the corresponding interface
and traffic rules in the wizard. The information available there can be used for customization
of settings (e.g. for setting of a new local subnetwork or for change of Internet connection).
6.1 Persistent connection with a single link
The WinRoute hosting computer must be connected to the Internet by a leased line (typically
Ethernet or WiFi card). Parameters of this interface will be set with use of information supplied
by the ISP provider or they can be configured automatically with the DHCP protocol.
It is also possible to use a dial-like link which can be connected persistently, such as PPPoE
connections or CDMA modems. WinRoute will keep this type of link connected persistently (in
case of connection failure, the connection is automatically recovered immediately).
This connection type also requires one or more network cards for connection of individual
segments of the LAN. Default gateway must NOT be set on any of these cards!
If possible, it is also recommended functionality of the Internet connection before installing
Configuration with the wizard
On the second page of the Traffic Policy Wizard (see chapter
), select A Single Internet Link
— Persistent.
On the third page of the wizard, select a network interface (Internet link). As a preselection,
the interface where WinRoute detected the default gateway is used. Therefore, in most cases
the appropriate adapter is already set within this step.
If you select a link which is defined as a dial-up (see above), valid username and password are
required. If this information is saved in the operating system, WinRoute can enter it automati-