Kerio Tech Firewall6 User Manual
Page 110

Chapter 8
Configuration of network services
Figure 8.6
DHCP server — default DHCP parameters
DNS server
Any DNS server (or multiple DNS servers separated by semicolons) can be defined. We
recommend you to use DNS Forwarder in WinRoute as the primary server (first in the list)
— IP address of the WinRoute host. DNS Forwarder can cooperate with DHCP server (see
) so that it will always use correct IP addresses to response to requests on
local host names.
WINS server
IP address of the WINS server.
Local Internet domain. Do not specify this parameter if there is no local domain.
Click on this button to open a dialog with a complete list of advanced parameters sup-
ported by DHCP (including the four mentioned above). Any parameter supported by
DHCP can be added and its value can be set within this dialog.
Default parameters are automatically matched with address scopes unless configuration of
a particular scope is defined (the Address Scope → Options dialog). The same rule is applied on
scopes and reservations (parameters defined for a certain address scope are used for the other
reservations unless parameters are defined for a specific reservation). Weight of individual
parameters corresponds with their position in the tree hierarchy.
Select the Add → Scope option to view the dialog for address scope definition.
Note: Only one scope can be defined for each subnet.
Comment on the new address scope (just as information for WinRoute administrator).