Kerio Tech Firewall6 User Manual
Page 61

6.3 Connection Failover
The Internet interfaces group includes the Internet and the Dial-up link selected as primary and
secondary (failover) on the third page of the wizard. The information provided in the Internet
column states which link is used for primary and which one for secondary connection. The
Status column informs of the link status (up/down) as well as of the fact whether the link is
active (just being used as Internet connection at the moment) or not.
Other interfaces (including Dial-In) are considered as segments of the LAN and put in Trusted /
Local interfaces.
The Internet interfaces group can include also other links. If these links are connected, stan-
with IP address translation (
) will be applied. Obviously, these links will not
be backed up by any failover. Such configuration is not of any particular help, anyway. It is
recommended to use the Internet interfaces for primary and secondary connection links only.
To change settings of primary and secondary connection, use corresponding options in the
interface edit dialog (see chapter
) or use the context menu called up by right-clicking on
the corresponding link. However, under any circumstances, always a single link can be set as
primary connection and a single one as secondary.
Probe hosts
Functionality of primary Internet connection is regularly tested by sending an ICMP request
for a response (PING) to certain hosts or network interfaces. By default, the default gateway of
the primary connection is used as the probe host. If the default gateway is not available, the
Internet connection is not working (correctly).
If the primary default gateway cannot be used as the testing computer by any reason, it is
possible to specify IP addresses of other (one or more) testing computers upon clicking on Ad-
vanced. If at least one of the tested devices is available, the primary connection is considered
as functioning.
Figure 6.12
Internet connection failover — setting probe hosts