Kerio Tech Firewall6 User Manual
Page 147

11.2 User logon and logout
Primary domain — missing domain is acceptable in the name specification (e.g.
), but it is also possible to include the domain (e.g. [email protected]),
Other domains — the name specified must include the domain
(e.g. [email protected]).
If none or just one Active Directory domain is mapped, all users can authenticate by their
usernames without the domain specified.
If the user is re-directed to the page automatically (after inserting the URL of a page for which
the firewall authentication is required), he/she will be re-directed to the formerly requested
website after successful login attempt. Otherwise, the web interface’s welcome page is dis-
The welcome page varies depending on the rights of the user (see chapter
If the user is allowed to view statistics, the web interface will switch to the Kerio StaR
mode and it will start with the page of overall statistics (the overall tab — for details,
see chapter
). The My Account option available at the upper-right corner can be
used to switch to the user settings. It is possible to return to the statistics page by the
Statistics link.
If the user is not allowed to view statistics, user status info page is displayed instead
(see chapter
Log out
Once finished with activities where authentication is required, it is recommended to log out
of the firewall by using the Logout button. It is important to log out especially when multiple
users work at the same host. If a user doesn’t log out of the firewall, their identity might be
misused easily.
User can be logged on the firewall even if they have not used the web interface — e.g. if the
firewall required user authentication during access to a website (for details, refer to chap-
). To make user avoid opening the web interface when finishing their work and clicking
on Logout, WinRoute includes a direct link for user logout:
This URL performs immediate logout of the user without the need of opening of the web
interface’s welcome page.