Kerio Tech Firewall6 User Manual
Page 379

25.3 FTP on WinRoute’s proxy server
Terminal FTP clients (such as the ftp command in Windows or Linux) do not allow config-
uration of the proxy server. For this reason, they cannot be used for our purposes.
To connect to FTP servers, the proxy server uses the passive FTP mode. If FTP server is
protected by a firewall which does not support FTP (this is not a problem of WinRoute), it
is not possible to use proxy to connect to the server.
Setting of FTP mode in the client is irrelevant for usage of the proxy server. Only one
network connection used by the FTP protocol is always established between a client and
the proxy server.
Example of a client configuration: web browser
Web browsers allow to set the proxy server either globally or for individual protocols. In our
example, configuration of Internet Explorer 6.0 focused (configuration of any other browsers
is almost identical).
In the browser’s main menu, select Tools → Internet Options, open the Connections tab and
click on the LAN Settings option.
Enable the Use a proxy server for your LAN option and enter the IP address and port of the
proxy server. IP address of the proxy server is the address of the WinRoute’s host interface
which is connected to the local network; the default port of the proxy server is 3128 (for
details, refer to chapter
). It is also recommended to enable the Bypass proxy server for
local addresses option — using proxy server for local addresses would slow down traffic
and overburden WinRoute.
Figure 25.5
Configuring proxy server in Internet Explorer 6.0