12 vboxmanage openmedium / closemedium, 13 vboxmanage storagectl / storageattach, Vboxmanage storagectl / storageattach – Sun Microsystems VIRTUALBOX VERSION 3.1.0_BETA2 User Manual

Page 123: Vboxmanage openmedium / closemedium

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8 VBoxManage reference

The take operation takes a snapshot of the current state of the virtual machine.

You must supply a name for the snapshot and can optionally supply a description. The
new snapshot is inserted into the snapshots tree as a child of the current snapshot and
then becomes the new current snapshot.

The delete operation deletes a snapshot (specified by name or by UUID). This can

take a while to finish since the differencing images associated with the snapshot might
need to be merged with their child differencing images.

The restore operation will restore the given snapshot (specified by name or by

UUID) by resetting the virtual machine’s settings and current state to that of the snap-
shot. The previous current state of the machine will be lost. After this, the given
snapshot becomes the new “current” snapshot so that subsequent snapshots are in-
serted under the snapshot from which was restored.

With the edit operation, you can change the name or description of an existing


With the showvminfo operation, you can view the virtual machine settings that

were stored with an existing snapshot.

8.12 VBoxManage openmedium / closemedium

These commands register or unregister hard disk, DVD or floppy images in VirtualBox.
This is the command-line equivalent of the Virtual Disk Manager; see chapter




Virtual Media Manager

, page


for more information.

Note: For compatibility with earlier versions of VirtualBox, the “registerim-
age” and “unregisterimage” commands are also supported and mapped inter-
nally to the “openmedium” and “closemedium” commands, respectively.

Note however that when you unregister a hard disk image using VBoxManage, it

will not be deleted from the host computer’s hard drive.

8.13 VBoxManage storagectl / storageattach

These commands allow to attach new storage controllers to the VM, modify or remove
the existing ones and also allows the user to change the hard disk, DVD or floppy
images attached to them. The list of the storage controllers attached to the VM can be
found by the command:

VBoxManage showvminfo

See also chapter



VBoxManage showvminfo

, page

