Intel SE7525GP2 User Manual
Page 95

Intel® Server Board SE7320SP2 & Intel Server Board SE7525GP2 TPS
System BIOS
Revision 2.0
Do the following to perform a multi-disk BIOS recovery:
1. Use the SPLIT.EXE utility to split the ROM image.
2. Execute the following command at the command prompt:
• split
• For Example: C:\split AMIBOOT.ROM AMIBOOT 1024
3. The above command will create files of size 1 MB each (1024 KB) with the names
AMIBOOT.000, AMIBOOT.001... and so on. The number of files (or floppy disks)
will depend upon the size of the AMIBOOT.ROM file.
4. Load the first disk with the AMIBOOT.000 file into the system.
5. After reading the file, the system will increment the file extension and begin
searching for the second file, AMIBOOT.001, on the same floppy disk.
6. If the system can’t find the file on the floppy disk, it will beep once (1sec long) and
then search again. Load the second floppy disk at this point.
7. The system will continue reading and searching for files in this fashion. Once a file
has been read, the system will increment the file extension and then begin
searching for the next file. If searching for the AMIBOOT.002 file, the system will
beep 2 times (each beep 1 sec long with a 0.5 sec gap between beeps). If
searching for the AMIBOOT.003 file, the system will beep three times with a 0.5
sec gap between beeps.
8. This process would continue until the total file size read in is equal to the size of
the ROM image.
The maximum number of files supported by the Multi-disk Recovery method is 1,000 files
(AMIBOOT.000 through AMIBOOT.999).
Update OEM Logo
The OEM logo can be changed in the BIOS for DOS and Microsoft* Windows* 2000/2003/XP.
A utility tool is used to change the OEM logo in ROM. The OEM logo can then be updated by
flashing the ROM.
For full details on how to update an OEM logo to the system, download and follow the
instructions in the Customize BIOS with OEM Logo white paper available on the Intel Support
Changing the OEM logo for DOS
1. Boot to DOS.
2. Download OEMLOGOD.exe, Rombuild.exe, RomFile, and NewOEMlogoImage to
the hard drive.
3. Run the following command: