FARGO electronic HDPii User Manual

Page 82

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Fargo Electronics, Inc.

HDPii High Definition Card Printer/Encoder User Guide (Rev. 1.1)


Troubleshooting with the LCD Error Message Table (continued)

LCD Error Message Cause


Film: Wrong Material

(PC Error Message
No. 173)

The Film is not installed
properly or has been

Verify the correct film is
installed in the film Cartridge.

Flipper Jam

(PC Error Message
Nos. 74 and 199)

A card is jammed in the card
flipping area of the Printer.

Open the Printer's Flipping
Module Cover.

Clear any cards in the Flipping
Module by opening the
Printers Cover and using the
Forward and/or Back buttons
located on the Printer’s Front

Ensure that the Output Module
can rotate freely. Close the
Printer's Flipping Module

Press the Resume button on
the Printer’s Front Cover to
continue printing.

To cancel the print, press the
Cancel Print button from the
Driver's display dialog.

Head Loading

(PC Error Message
No. 111)

An unrecoverable error has
occurred during printing.

Reset the Printer and try
again. If this problem persists,
call for technical assistance.