Fortinet FortiLog-400 User Manual
Page 100
Fortinet Inc.
CLI commands
FortiLog CLI reference
set log client
secure {yes | no} psk
Configure the FortiLog to log a FortiGate client.
• {yes | no} provides the option to configure secured connection or not.
from 0 to 4000 MB. A disk quota of 0 is unlimited
is 10 MB.
default log file age is 10 days.
• {overwrite_oldest | stop_logging} allows you to select what you want
the FortiLog unit to do when the allocated disk space for the FortiGate
device is used up.
set log raid
Set the log RAID level: linear, 0, 1, or 5. There is no default value for this
set log raid uuid
Set the log RAID universal unique identifier.
set log devicegroup
Create a device group to add devices to.
set log setting console loglevel
Set the console log severity level
0 = Emergency, 1 = Alert, 2 = Critical, 3 = Error, 4 = Warning, 5 =
Notification, 6 = Information
The log levels will be up to but not higher than the value you set.
set log setting local status {enable | disable}
Enable or disable logging to the FortiLog unit hard disks.
set log setting local filesz
Set the maximum size for the Fortilog local log file.
set log setting local logtime
Set the number of days before the FortiLog unit starts a new log file.
set log setting local diskfull
set log setting local memory status
Configure the FortiLog unit to log to the local memory.
set log setting local memory loglevel
Set the local FortiLog unit log severity level
0 = Emergency, 1 = Alert, 2 = Critical, 3 = Error, 4 = Warning, 5 =
Notification, 6 = Information
The log levels will be up to but not higher than the value you set.
set log setting syslog local status loglevel
Set the local FortiLog unit log severity level
0 = Emergency, 1 = Alert, 2 = Critical, 3 = Error, 4 = Warning, 5 =
Notification, 6 = Information
The log levels will be up to but not higher than the value you set.
set log setting syslog local status loglevel
Enable or disable CSV format to record log messages to the FortiLog
unit hard disk in comma-separated value (CSV) formatted files. Log
message fields are separated by commas.
set log setting syslog remote {enable | disable}
Enable or disable logging to the remote syslog server.
set log setting syslog remote server
set log setting syslog remote server
Configure the port that the remote syslog server uses to receive log
The default port is 514.