Fortinet FortiGate 5001FA2-LENC User Manual
Fortinet Hardware
FortiGate-5001FA2-LENC Security System Guide
S e c u r i t y S y s t e m G u i d e
A detailed guide to the FortiGate-5001FA2-LENC Security System. This FortiGate-5001FA2-LENC Security System
Guide describes FortiGate-5001FA2-LENC hardware features, how to install the FortiGate-5001FA2-LENC board in
a FortiGate-5000 series chassis, how to configure the FortiGate-5001FA2-LENC security system for your network,
and contains troubleshooting information to help you diagnose and fix problems.
The most recent versions of this and all FortiGate-5000 series documents are available from the
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to register your FortiGate-5001FA2-LENC system. By registering you can receive
product updates, technical support, and FortiGuard services.
Document Outline
- Warnings and cautions
- Contents
- FortiGate-5001FA2-LENC security system
- Hardware installation
- Installing SFP transceivers
- Changing FortiGate-5001FA2-LENC jumper settings
- Inserting a FortiGate-5001FA2-LENC board into a chassis
- Removing a FortiGate-5001FA2-LENC board from a chassis
- Troubleshooting
- Quick Configuration Guide
- Registering your Fortinet product
- Upgrading to High Encryption
- Planning the configuration
- Choosing the configuration tool
- Factory default settings
- Configuring NAT/Route mode
- Configuring Transparent mode
- Upgrading FortiGate-5001FA2-LENC firmware
- FortiGate-5001FA2-LENC base backplane data communication
- Powering off the FortiGate-5001FA2-LENC board
- For more information