The casdir sub-directory – HP 49g+ User Manual
Page 90
Page 2-35
subdirectories, in a hierarchy of directories similar to folders in modern
computers. The subdirectories will be given names that may reflect the
contents of each subdirectory, or any arbitrary name that you can think of.
The CASDIR sub-directory
The CASDIR sub-directory contains a number of variables needed by the
proper operation of the CAS (Computer Algebraic System, see appendix C).
To see the contents of the directory, we can use the keystroke combination:
„¡which opens the File Manager once more:
This time the CASDIR is highlighted in the screen. To see the contents of the
directory press the
@@OK@@ (F) soft menu key or `, to get the following
The screen shows a table describing the variables contained in the CASDIR
directory. These are variables pre-defined in the calculator memory that
establish certain parameters for CAS operation (see appendix C). The table
above contains 4 columns:
• The first column indicate the type of variable (e.g., ‘EQ’ means an
equation-type variable, |R indicates a real-value variable, { } means a list,
nam means ‘a global name’, and the symbol
represents a graphic
• The second column represents the name of the variables, i.e., PRIMIT,
• Column number 3 shows another specification for the variable type, e.g.,
ALG means an algebraic expression, GROB stands for graphics object,
INTG means an integer numeric variable, LIST means a list of data,