Calculations with dates – HP 49g+ User Manual

Page 764

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The application of these functions is demonstrated below.

DATE: Places current date in the stack

DATE: Set system date to specified value

TIME: Places current time in 24-hr HH.MMSS format

TIME: Set system time to specified value in 24-hr HH.MM.SS format

TICKS: Provides system time as binary integer in units of clock ticks with 1

tick = 1/8192 sec

ALRM..:Sub-menu with alarm manipulation functions (described later)
DATE+: Adds or subtract a number of days to a date
DDAYS(x,y): Returns number of days between dates x and y

HMS: Converts time from decimal to HH.MMSS

HMS : Converts time from HH.MMSS to decimal
HMS+: Add two times in HH.MMSS format
HMS-: Subtract two times in HH.MMSS format
TSTR(time, date): converts time, date to string format
CLKADJ(x): Adds x ticks to system time (1 tick = 1/8192 sec )

Functions DATE, TIME, CLKADJ are used to adjust date and time. There
are no examples provided here for these functions.

Here are examples of functions DATE, TIME, and TSTR:

Calculations with dates

For calculations with dates, use functions DATE+, DDAYS. Here is an
example of application of these functions, together with an example of
function TICKS:

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