HP 220 User Manual
Page 174

8Ć26 Removal and Replacement
Parameters Printed Below EEROM Text Block (Decimal Values)
Number of Power Cycles Number of times plotter has been switched on.
Number of Pages Printed
Number of Bail Lifts
Number of Bail Errors
Number of System Errors
Last System Error
See System Errors earlier in this chapter for correspondence of numbers to errors.
Last System Error Data
Bail Up Position Offset Calculated during bail calibration.
Bench Run Whether the bench run has been performed or not.
Bench Run Maximum YĆAxis PWM YĆaxis = carriage axis.
Bench Run Maximum XĆAxis PWM XĆaxis = media axis.
Encoder Tests Maximum YĆAxis PWM
Encoder Tests Maximum XĆAxis PWM
Last XĆAxis Calibration XĆaxis calibration = accuracy calibration
Factory Calibration Factor
This is the driveĆroller correction factor, calculated during accuracy calibration.
Setup Sheet LED Calibration formula.
The values in the formula are calculated during the setupĆsheet calibration.
Reading the EEROM Text Block
The contents of the EEROM integrated circuit are printed in hexadecimal form in a text
block on the service configuration plot.
To read the EEROM text block, perform the following procedure:
, Examine the EEROM memory map in Table 8Ć1 to find the memory address of the data
you want to read.
. Use the memory location key in Table 8Ć2 to locate the position of the memory address on
the service configuration plot.
A Read the contents of the memory address from the service configuration plot.
Example: Searching for the mediaĆsensor correction factor
1 The EEROM memory map Table 8Ć1 indicates that the memory address of the
mediaĆsensor correction factor is 1b.
2 The memory location key Table 8Ć2 indicates that address 1b is located in the second row
from the top, in the fifth column from the right.
3 On the sample EEROM text block Table 8Ć3 , address 1b contains the number 0.
Therefore, in this case, the mediaĆsensor correction factor is hexadecimal 0 = decimal 0 .