Programming entry times – RISCO Group Gardtec 490X User Manual
Page 39

GT490X Engineer’s Reference Guide
Programming Entry Times
Two Entry Times are available (Entry Time 1 & Entry Time 2). On entry to the premises
via the Entry Door Entry Time 1 will start. If deviation from Entry Route during Entry
Time 1 then Entry Time 2 starts. Entry Time 2 is 30 seconds and cannot be changed.
Note that comms cannot take place until the later of the theoretical expiry of Entry
Time 1, or the expiry of Entry Time 2.
Entry Time 1 is defaulted to 30 seconds but maybe changed to a maximum
of 45 seconds. (EN2 Only).
Entry Time 2 is defaulted to 30 seconds and may not be changed.
Enter into Engineer Mode
To do this follow Steps 1 to 4 on page 18
With the display showing:-
Press No twice. The display will show:-
Press Yes. The display will show:-
Press Yes. The display will show:-
Press No twice. The display will show:-
Enter the Time required (in seconds) followed by
Yes. The display will show:-
Program . . . . _ _ _
Zones ?
Program . . . . _ _ _
Entry Times ?
Program Entry
Time 1 ?
Program Entry
Time 1 ?
Entry Time 1 = 30s
Entry Time 1 > _ _s
PR5851 Rev12 490X Eng Ref Guide.qxd 10/05/2012 11:33 Page 38