Test: ask registration stage, Checklist: ask registration stage – Grass Valley NewsBrowse Desktop Browsing System Installation v.2.7 User Manual

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NewsBrowse Installation and Configuration Guide

December 16, 2004

Chapter 3 Configuring the NewsBrowse System

Test: ASK registration stage

The following test verifies that configuration pages are correctly loading the
configured MDI information.

Test description: Open configuration pages and verify MDI lists.

Run the test as follows:

1. Make sure that the NewsBrowse system is not in use.

2. On the NewsBrowse server, open the

Ask Location

configuration page. Verify that

it is configured to


and port


. These should be the default values. Refer


“Configure ASK Location: NewsBrowse server” on page 69


3. Open the

Media Frame Core | Rules Automation

page. For the

Profile MDI

field, click


button. After a short pause, a list should appear. Verify that the configured

Profile MDI names are listed. Close the list without selecting anything.

4. Open the

Ingest Scheduler | Scheduler

page. For the

MDI Name

field, click the

button. After a short pause, a list should appear. Verify that the configured Ingest
MDI names are listed. Close the list without selecting anything.

Checklist: ASK registration stage

Use the following check list to verify that the basic configuration and testing of the
ASK registration stage is complete.

" All MDI names and “Device Type” service names are registered with ASK.

" Configuration pages load MDI names.