Clipboard buttons, Search field, Zoom% field – Grass Valley Jupiter v.1.1.0 User Manual
Page 63: Column width adjustments, Force unlock button
JUPITER AccuSwitch Soft Panels and Visual Status Display Instruction Manual
VSD Interface
Close View
: Closes the view that is currently being shown.
Clipboard Buttons
Copy Rows
: Copies the contents of the selected rows.
Cut Rows
: Cuts the contents of the selected rows.
: Pastes the contents of the selected rows.
Delete Rows
: Deletes the contents of the selected rows.
Search Field
You can search for specific, Destinations, Sources, Groups and so forth by
entering the item to search for in the Search field.
Zoom% Field
You can allow change the display size, by zooming in or out, so the VSD can
be read from varying distances.
Column Width Adjustments
: Removes any adjustments to the column widths.
See Content
: Expands the columns so all the data can be seen.
See All Cols
: Contracts the columns so all the columns can be seen.
Force Unlock Button
The VSD can force unlock any destination regardless of what panel locked
or protected it. In order for Force Unlock to be enabled, the VSD must be
defined with a password of 90 – 99 in MPK Devices table of the Jupiter
Editor. The
Force Unlock
button will only be enabled if the password is high
enough and a locked/protected cell is selected.
If AccuSwitch or Jupiter locks or protects a Destination on a 3rd party router
that is shared with another control system, there is the possibility that after a
pmemClear command occurs on the AccuSwitch/Jupiter Control system that
the destination will report as being locked or protected by the 3rd party’s
control system. This Destination will have to be Force unlocked by an AccuS-
witch/Jupiter Control system with Force Unlock privileges to regain control
of the Destination.