Teac MX-2424 v1.15 User Manual

Page 79

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ViewNet MX

ViewNet MX Version 1.1/1.5 Owners Manual


Working With Settings

Most settings have a limited number of choices organized in a drop-down list. To select a setting, click
the box to open the list of choices, then click on the desired choice to select it and automatically close the

Use the TAB key to automatically select the next settings item (moving top to bottom on the page) in a
bank. Use Shift + TAB to select the previous item (moving from bottom to top on the page).

Settings which hold a numeric value will only allow values to be entered that are within the valid range
for that item.

Settings Application Controls

When settings are changed for an item, the change is not communicated to the MX 2424 until they are
applied by using the Settings Application Controls at the bottom of the Machine Settings window. These
controls provide a convenient method for choosing which settings and machines will be updated.

Selecting Machines

Before applying changes, first select to which machines the settings will apply.

Original Machine
To change settings to the original machine (identified by Name, Ident, and Serial number), choose this
selection by clicking the radio button as shown above.

Sync Group / Machine Set
To broadcast settings changes to all members of a selected Machine Set , choose this selection by
clicking the radio button. (As a reminder, Sync Groups pertain only to MM series machines.)

Apply Changes.

To apply only changes that have been made since the Machine Settings window was opened for the
selected machine(s), click the Apply changes button.7

Apply All Settings

To apply all current settings to the selected machine(s), click the Apply all button.

Settings Files

Named settings can be created, opened, and saved from the Machine Settings window. The system
default location for these files is the ViewNet folder, but settings files may be stored in any disk directory
and copied to floppy or network drives for ease of distribution.