Teac MX-2424 v1.15 User Manual

Page 72

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ViewNet MX

ViewNet MX Version 1.1/1.5 Owners Manual


Audio event Appearance In Record

When material is being recorded, the new event(s) will appear as a new red colored clip streaming onto
the EDL view at the playhead position on the track(s) being recorded. Once recording is stopped, the
system will finish writing the recorded data into the file on disk and the event will change to the normal
gray color with the event name inside. The red event shown during the recording is actually an estimate
of the event’s true location based on the time when the recording was detected by ViewNet Audio. The
true location and duration of the event will be displayed after the recording is finished.

Horizontal Scroll Bar

The Horizontal Scroll Bar at the bottom of the EDL view panel allows for scrolling the EDL view panel
over the duration of the project from head to tail. The range of the current view relative to the entire
project will be reflected in the size of the blue scroll selection handle within the scroll bar. To scroll the
view, drag the selection handle within the scroll bar.

Scroll Selection Handle