Teac MX-2424 v1.15 User Manual

Page 45

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ViewNet MX

ViewNet MX Version 1.1/1.5 Owners Manual


Loading Projects

To load a Project, click on the desired Project from the list to select it, then with the destination track
from the “To track:” list set to 1, press the Load button.

When a Project is loaded starting with track 1, the project attributes (sample rate, timecode type) are also

Loading Tracks

To load an individual track, open the list of tracks contained in a Project by double clicking on the folder
icon or project name. Select the desired track from the list (only one track may be selected at a time) by
clicking on it. Choose the desired destination from the list of destination tracks, then click Load. The
selected track will be loaded into the destination but no other tracks will be affected. When a track is
loaded, the Project attributes are not loaded, only the track itself.