Sequence of operations, Trend logging – Orion System VCC-X Controller User Manual
Page 69

VCC-X Controller Technical Guide
Values can be retrieved using the Prism 2 software program. With
Prism 2 running continuously, values can be saved to the computer
hard drive at regular intervals to keep from losing data.
VCC-X Controller Trend Logs
The following are the fi xed items that can be logged for the VCC-X
Mode of Operation (Occupied / Override / Unoccupied)
Space Temperature
Indoor Humidity
Mode Cooling Setpoint
Mode Heating Setpoint
Supply Air Temperature
Supply Air Setpoint
Coil Temperature Setpoint
Return Air Temperature
Return Air Humidity
Outdoor Air Temperature
Outdoor Air Humidity
Outdoor Air Wetbulb
Outdoor Air Dewpoint
Carbon Dioxide
Outdoor Airfl ow CFM
Supply Airfl ow CFM
Return Airfl ow CFM
Exhaust Airfl ow CFM
Building Pressure
Duct Static Pressure
MHGRV Valve Position
MODGAS Valve Position
Main Fan Speed VFD Signal
Economizer Position
Modulating Heat Signal
Building Pressure Relief VFD Signal
Modulating Cooling Signal
Compressor Alarms
Expansion Board Alarms
Temperature Limit Alarms
Mode of Operation Alarms
Sensor Alarms
Binary Inputs
Main Relays
Expansion Relays
Relay #1 Status (Fan Relay)
Relays #2 through #24 Status (Labeled as confi gured)
Trend Logging
VAV/Zone Controller
Space Sensor Failure Alarm
If the controller detects an open or short on the Space Sensor input,
this alarm will be generated.
CFM Sensor Failure Alarm
If the Air Flow Constant (K Factor) is set to any value other than
zero, and the controller does not detect the Airfl ow Sensor, this alarm
will be generated.
Damper Opening Alarm
After initial calibration, if the damper is called to be fully open and
cannot reach that position within approximately 2 minutes, this
alarm will be generated.
Damper Closing Alarm
After initial calibration, if the damper is called to be fully closed
and cannot reach that position within approximately 2 minutes, this
alarm will be generated.
High Space Temp Alarm
If the zone temperature is above the Cooling Setpoint by the Hi Zone
Alarm Offset (user adj.) for the Zone Alarm Delay Period (user adj.),
this alarm will be generated.
Low Space Temp Alarm
If the zone temperature is below the Heating Setpoint by the Lo Zone
Alarm Offset (user adj.) for the Zone Alarm Delay Period (user adj.),
this alarm will be generated.
Damper Feedback Failure Alarm
If the controller fails to detect the actuator feedback signal, this
alarm will be generated.
Relay Outputs
There are 8 relay outputs that are confi gurable for the VCC-X
Controller (Relay #1 is reserved for the Supply Fan and is not
confi gurable). See Table 5 for descriptions of the confi guration
Trend Logging
The VCC-X Controller continuously maintains an Internal Trend
Log in memory which records a fi xed set of values at a user-defi ned
120 log positions (timed retrievals) are available on the controller.
Once these positions are full, the controller begins overwriting the
oldest data.