Expander – ATEIS UAPg2 User Manual
Page 187

Version EN.24
An expander works in an opposite fashion than the compressor, the threshold is set and any part of
the signal dropping below this threshold will be affected by the expander and this level will be raised.
The expander therefore like the compressor balances out the signal making it sound more
professional. The expander allows having a signal with a bigger dynamic range.
The only module within the 'Expander' folder is a simple expander of the same 'Feed-Forward' type
like the compressor:
The control window of the 'Expander' module is opened by a double click on the icon in the 'UAPG2'
design window and appears like this:
Expander Parameters
Ratio x:1
0.10 to 1.00
Sets expansion ratio.
Threshold (dB)
-60.0 to
+20.0 dB
Sets the threshold level above which expansion begins.
Threshold range (dB)
0.0 to 40.0 dB Sets the range of level, in which the ratio gradually alters from 1:1
to the value set by the ratio parameter (soft knee function).
Attack time (ms)
0 to 1000 ms
Sets the time it takes to respond to the input signal.
Release time (ms)
0 to 1000 ms
Adjusts the time to stop the gain reduction. .
Gain reduction (dB)
0.0 to
-25.0 dB
Reflects the current amount of gain reduction.
Bypasses the expander's function.
Soft knee
Enables/disables the “Soft Knee” mode.
LED, lit red
Indicates that the function is active.