ATEIS UAPg2 User Manual
Page 137

Version EN.24
Checksum calculation
The checksum is the sum of all data between STX and ETX. And keep only the least significant byte.
In the following example:
Data = WC0010 = 57 43 30 30 31 30 (in hexa)
Sum of Data (in hexa) = 57+43+30+30+31+30 = 15B
Checksum = the least significant byte of 15B = 5B
Set RS232 Third party control parameters
Select Tools --> Machine configuration
Click [Read] to load the LAPG2 values, if you want to change values and load it into the LAPG2 click
To set RS 232 click on each serial parameters field "Baud rate", "Parity", "Stop bit" and choose the
setting in accordance with your third party device.
You can use the RS232 connection for two tasks:
1) To control LAPG2 with a third party controller (Vity, Crestron, AMX,...)
2) To send data between IDA4 (multipoint data transmission)
To select the type of task, select in the "Connect target" field between IDA4 and 3rd party