ATEIS UAPg2 User Manual
Page 159

Version EN.24
Use the Auto Noise Gain Component (A.N.G)
Procedure to set the ANG
Connect the sensing microphone to the S.M. input, and the paging audio source to the P.M. input.
The NSM sensing microphone need an input sensitivity of 0dB ( software).
The max cable length between the NSM and the UAPg2 is 500 meter with CAT-5 cable.
Link the output of the ANG component to an UAPg2 output where is connected a loudspeaker.
Click on the Calibrate button, to start the calibration procedure.
The system will start to estimate the acoustic transfer function between loudspeakers and
microphone when user clicks the Calibration button, and it will automatically stop calibrating until
the system find a better transfer function.
The calibration red led light up, means the calibration procedure is running.
During the procedure, don't move the physical installation, and don't make punctual noise.
The calibration must be done in normal ambient conditions.
Wait until the end of the calibration. The red calibration led light off, and the green calibration led
light up.
Now look the Over/Under red led:
-If both Over/Under led are OFF, it means the calibration has properly finished
and the ANG is ready.
-If one of the Over/Under led light ON, it means the white noise level needed is out of range.
Depending of the issue, a pop-up window will show you what to do. Follow the most usefully advice
and restart the calibration procedure until the both Over/Under led are OFF after the calibration.