0 overview – API Audio 1608 Automation User Manual

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1.0 Overview

Leveraging our prior experience with console automation in combination with extensive customer input,

API has developed a proprietary, easy-to-use Automation Package

for the 1608 console and 1608EX 16-

channel expander


1.1 Introduction and Features

The 1608 Automation Package is a

fully integrated, self-contained, and comprehensive moving

fader, mute, and insert automation system with DAW control and snapshot capabilities. We've

designed the system to enhance the operation of the console and allow for an entirely new range
of mixing capabilities, while making sure the system was simple and easy to use.

The 1608 Automation Package contains features and operational control previously unheard-of in

a small console of this type.

The following operational functions are included:

Automation: Moving fader, mute, and insert automation

Groups: Fader, mute, and insert groups

Snapshots: Capture, store, and load static “snapshots” of faders, mutes, and inserts

DAW Control Surface: HUI DAW control

File Management: Projects, snapshots, and mixes

Automation features include:

Full automation of all Channel faders, Program Masters, and Group Masters

Full-sized 100mm faders

Channel mute automation

Channel insert automation

Unlimited groups with two dedicated Group Masters

Unlimited mix restore points

Time saving automation sub-modes

Copy and swap mix data functions

Clear mix data functions

Off-line fader data trim

Synchronization with SMPTE Timecode (LTC) or MIDI Timecode (MTC)

DAW Control features include:

Fader control

Mute, Solo, Select, and Record Ready control

“Channel Shifting” for flexible channel assignment

HUI control over MIDI

Unity gain audio bypass in DAW control mode

Additional features include:

Intuitive hardware and software interface (“We work the way you work!”)

Self-contained system with no external computer required

Intuitive and user-friendly software and hardware interfaces

Save files to standard memory cards

Easy portability with room for hundreds of mixes

Easily retrofits to existing 1608 consoles

Expandable to 48 channels